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Bridgestone Tyres

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You are always in safe hands with Bridgestone!

Bridgestone is with you for the life of your tyres. From our manufacturer’s warranty to exclusive benefits, you can be confident your tyres are performing at their best and you’re safe on the road.

Why Choose Us?

Winner Most Trusted Tyre Brand

New Zealand’s Most Trusted Tyre Brand

For the fifth year running, Bridgestone has been named the Most Trusted Tyre Brand in New Zealand

bridgestone extensive range

Extensive Range

Bridgestone stocks an extensive range of tyres, including car, 4×4 and truck tyres.

Explore Bridgestone Tyres
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What our customers say

"Always we'll looked after, great quality and service."
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"Excellent service, I was back on the road in my new Cooper AT3's in no time."
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"James and the team were great, they put on Coopers and the vehicle drove better as soon as I left."
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